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do you have discord channel?


Day One and we're already getting incestual, lesbian foot licking. This is going to be a good game.

I do want to know, though, if the NTR content will be avoidable.

I don't think I like it but will someone explain Neto what was it again?, to me?

I always forget a bit about it, but as long as it's kind of a choice i don't mind I suppose.

Netorare is when Persona A "steals" (or at least has sex with) the love interest of Person B, without the consent of B and from their perspective. The love interest generally doesn't consent either, because if they do, it's usually considered cheating instead of NTR, but they are sometimes used interchangeably. Netoru is the same thing, but from the perspective of Person A.

To pull examples from the description and images, netorare would be the image of Linda (a love interest of Kate) sucking Chris' dick, and netoru would be "stealing your brother's girlfriend."

So in this game the main char is the one stealing? I heard that is the easier version to get in contact with this stuff if your not sure you like that.

Thank you, now I have an answer to get back to if I'm unsure.

It looks like both can happen to the main character. Linda doing something with Chris would be Kate being the one being stolen from. No idea if it's avoidable or not.


cant wait for more. thanks for being bold and including the more hard core fetishes


Yeah, this project is all about having fun with heavy fetishes. I'll post the afternoon once I'm done with the night :)

Is this game not finished? it says released.

very early stages of development, they have a good foundation though


You are off to a really strong start. I know not all NSFW (or SFW) games have the best writing. I am impressed with how much and how quickly I came to like the characters. I am going to follow the progress of this game closely.


Tks, I really pour my soul into making these characters interesting. 

Can you try and activate the option to put the link, I mean activate it for the app?

IF this is only about you not knowing what to do, then here this is a comment from someone that figured it out themself when I asked them, this might help.

Sorry if I sound weird I have not much time.

The downloadable is v0.3, but after reading it I revised the file and the app check wasn't on, sorry about that, is an easy to ignore checkbox

That was an answer from another dev, so that is the only thing that I can offer to make it aviable for the app, a checkbox?